Your Child’s First Session

Dear Parent,

As parents, we do whatever we can to help our children when they are having a hard time. I will work with you and your child in finding the solution to the problems that concern you. Pre-teens are caught in a high wire act. Two young to be given the privileges of teenagers and too old to be treated like small children. They struggle with how to navigate in an adult world.

Please review the form section of the website.  The more information you have prepared in advance, the more time I can focus on helping your child.  Plan to come with your child to the first session.  Arrive ten minutes early and feel free to bring anyone that you view as essential to your child’s life.

By working to balance the world and dreams of the child with the cares and concerns of the parents,  I am able to help families find the wonderfulness of life again. I am not here to judge you as a parent, but instead to advise on how the journey of parenting can be experienced.

All the Best,

Eric Wolf – LCSW

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