Time & Money in Family Therapy

How much does family therapy cost?

People often worry about the cost of family therapy sessions. This stops them from taking advantage of the benefits that counseling can offer. Narrative Therapy can be brief, as change often happens quickly.

Many of the couples and families that have worked with me have seen positive, lasting changes in as few as six counseling sessions. Some couples or families work on their situation a bit longer, taking between six and fifteen family therapy meetings to identify the problem, make changes, and support new habits.

People with lifelong mental health conditions sometimes find narrative work empowering but, I can not promise that every person with a lifelong mental health condition will be able to live without continued therapy. Although, many are able to change their relationship from dependency to writers of their own fate.

What helps us get such quick resolutions in family therapy?

1. We explore what is wonderful and unnoticed among the family members. This can lead to recognition of the invisible or forgotten success in normal life.

2. Separating the problem, from the person, means the person does not have to overhaul their character. We work on the relationship to the problem, the beliefs, and habits that keep the problem active, focusing on the environment as well as feelings and ideas.

3. Working in collaboration with a team (people that you think would be helpful) means that changes are noticed and supported, and the environment around the person becomes more helpful and less problem-focused.

4. Using feedback helps us make sure that we are all on track. Noticing what works, what stands out, and what is changing, allows the therapy to be more effective and more responsive to exactly what you need.

These strategies are supported by recent developments in brain science.

We know that change happens fast.  When you focus on what works, new stories and habits can change our brain and body responses! Circumstances don’t have to be perfect before you can get started in family therapy. Even a small change can make a big difference in how your family feels. Let’s talk about what works for you.

My Fee is $200 per session.

If you cannot afford my full fee, I do accept a limited number of clients at lower fees. Please contact me and we will discuss how I can support you in your goals at a lower fee.

If you use insurance, you will have to be diagnosed. This diagnoses will remain in your medical records with me for 7 years. Insurance companies have electronic records and we have read case after case of how insecure those can be. Diagnoses can haunt people for years and once in an insurance companies hands, you have little control over what they do with your diagnosis. I have seen Mental Health diagnosis used to limit peoples’ access to jobs, security clearance, guns, and children. While I do believe that this may be appropriate at times, I recognize this may put you in a bind. To get treatment, you must get diagnosed, and once you are diagnosed, it can be hard to escape that label for years to come. The way around this dilemma is to not get the diagnosis to start with.

Bridge on a sunny day. to Narrative Therapy
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